Message from Lavender

In the kitchen this week

Message from Lavender


What is on my face? What is inside the potions I apply every day? Is it a alive soul? OR is it a sad, isolated component of a plant? A life that is taken away to sell a dream?


I am Lavender


 Just as "you are the healer" with your mind, body, and soul working together in a symphony, I, too, am the healer with my mind, body and soul - with my whole being.

The same people who tell you to eat whole foods because they are healthy still ask you to use beauty filled with sad, isolated components of plants, not whole plants.

Why is that?  

They have seen enough weak bodies to know that eating anything other than whole foods isn't going to add life to your life. How many faces do we have to see struggling to stay just moisturised or take a walk under the life-giving sun without a 10-step skincare routine?

One product after another in front of the mirror, every day putting bandages over that beautiful face.


I am Lavender



In my whole form, I release all my nutrients, my purpose, my wisdom, my reason for being alive into the oils for over 3 months without force, without manipulation, surrounded by humans loving me, turning my jars my home for those 3 months upside down every day so that I hug the oils to reach you with my whole being in the Botanical Face Elixir and Night Balm. I am Lavender I am here to heal you; I am here to help you if you let me in with my whole being.


Find me inside


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