Is there one medicine that can save me from everything?

A golden tablet I take right now, and I am free from my worry. A golden oil that makes me look ten years younger.
Because I want things "NOW".
I am a human on an evolutionary journey and in the current state of my evolution, I cannot see how my choices will affect my biology, my life in the future "from a bird's eye view". So, I always look for things to save me "NOW".
I will be able to connect the dots in the future and say, "That's why I should have...". It will be too late for some conditions I have created on my skin, body, life, but nevertheless, I will say it.
I will even give this situation a name "Regret".
I will be the old wise human telling a younger soul "what not to do,". That young soul will look at me and wonder what motivated me to make those choices that eventually led me to where I am.
In my wiseness, I won't be able to say, "I chose not to invest in me, had no patience for me". Instead, I will try to look proud, an old human glorifying suffering, telling people what not to do. I still have to survive, so I have to find a coping mechanism, and this will be it. So don't judge me next time you see me :).
The very little sun we have all been waiting for is around the corner. Before it's too late, can I take you on a journey so that you are aware of "The Big Picture" of what the light of the Sun actually means for the health of your skin, mind, your whole body?
As if the skin is just a dress, not an actual organ communicating with my immune system on a moment-to-moment basis, anything I apply is called "Beauty."
In the name of "Beauty", "The Dress," everything is okay. It's just a dress; I can block the Sun, play with my biology.
Or Can I?
We have a lot to unlearn so let's go through them one by one, slowly, patiently investing in ourselves. I want to be "An inspiration", not the old wise human, and I know you do too...
Let's start next week with "EZ WATER". My body is a solar battery. Science calls it "The EZ Water". I say I am the river, the rock, the breath of the trees.
with all my love,