Knowledge is Power

I have a dream, and I am inside my dream. Right in the middle.


I want Earth To You to be a symbol of our divinity. You and me = the divine, not another "natural beauty brand" in which the only focus is so-called "healthy". 


When I dig deep, I don't see health in there.

What creates health?

Let's take skin. 


Even if you don't apply anything, there is so much going on in your skin. A flow. A beautiful one. But sometimes, you experience unpleasant symptoms. But we don't rush to conclusions and say, "Here is the cure".
We stop and look at what our skin is trying to tell us. 
We know that the symptom is nothing but a message. Something is out of balance. The flow is broken. But we know that we don't need a bandage.

What we need first is to understand what is going on—the message. 

Knowledge is power.


Once we know what is being asked of us by our body, we offer a helping hand to our skin with the right divine ingredients, just like ourselves, so that our body feels safe to return to balance.


The flow. 

Your own flow is "health".


When you empower the flow, you get stronger. Combine the flow with the knowledge you receive from these emails; nobody can manipulate you using the language of fear.


Two new products are coming in very soon. I am going to do my best to dig deep and explain the symptoms first = the message, and then we will look at how we can help our bodies return to their flow = health.


"Empowered, strong human beings with a wide-open heart."


Do you have a dream? I bet you do! Emotions run high when you think about it. You feel alive. The meaning of life. A million-dollar question, right?

"What is it? The meaning of life.


I am going to be brave enough to tell you the answer.
It's your passion.
It's your dream.
I don't know about you, but I have watched enough near-death experiences after my mom's death. I wanted to know where she went. 
I also had my own mystical moments in meditations where I left my body countless times. If I told you what happened, you would not believe it. I can not believe it. But I learned one thing. We are extremely comfortable up there wherever that place is.
So why come into density in a body where we need to drag it from place to place when we can fly?
There must be a reason.
I don't believe the reason is to simply survive and pay the bills. I don't want to do this if I am going to just survive.

So, this is a reminder to you and me that playing this game just to survive isn't worth it.


Follow it. Follow your passion. Is it going to cost you? Who cares? I have never been more at peace and in love with life than right now, inside my dream. Is it easy every day? No. But I feel alive every day.

What's stopping you?

Never believe anybody who tells you what you can or can not do.

You make the rules.


That passion is put in your heart for a reason. You know the directions. You know the way. You do.


Take a step each day. It will all make sense as you look back on your never-ending beautiful journey back to source...


And then you will say, "I did not give up. I lived."


To every human being who did not give up on their dreams, I salute you. You give us the power to follow our own, to live...


with all my love,


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