I received some beautiful messages for my last email (blog post). I sensed that some of you are wanting to start your own business. What I am about to tell you applies to business but also to life.
"Feel the fear and do it anyway, move forward anyway, take the next step anyway."
Fear is nothing but the edge of your emotional belief. Your belief, your edge.
Fear is not a sign that says "stop".
Fear is a sign that says, "You have met your edge. Time to break some walls."
A self-made prison you have been living under who knows how long.
Take that hammer and break down those walls. Limited beliefs that's been keeping you stuck all your life.
The funny thing is that your edge and my edge are different. What you call catastrophic is nothing for another person.
How does one live their best life?
By breaking down all of those walls, you have created for yourself or born with it.
Nobody is doing this to you.
It's you!
And what a liberating realization this is.
It's you!
Take a deep breath now.
The medicine is you.
The hammer is in your hand.
Time to break some walls.
Healing your body, starting a business, getting that job that you want, whatever the case may be, it's all up to "YOU".
"Feel the fear and do it anyway, move forward anyway, take the next step anyway."
Other people around you not doing it? It's their choice, their free will. Nobody chooses you. You have to choose you!
As we unpacked our glass bottles that arrived last week, I remembered the day I started this company.
In fear...
But I took the next step anyway. I moved forward anyway. Silly idea, they said. It won't work, they said.
And yet, I did it anyway.
Go for it. I promise you, it will work as long as you don't give up.
You can change directions and plans and make alterations. But do not give up!
Every time I fear something, I say, "Ezgi, it's time to break some walls"...
"Feel the fear and do it anyway, move forward anyway, take the next step anyway."
It will work out better than you have ever imagined!
I promise you, it will!
By the way, choosing yourself which means throwing yourself into the unknown creates a big splash in the universe. Expect some life-changing magic to appear out of nowhere. I am not kidding :). It will confuse you at first. You might struggle a bit. But It will make you believe in your own magical powers, finally.
You the magician!
"Feel the fear and do it anyway, move forward anyway, take the next step anyway."
It will work out better than you have ever imagined!
I promise you, it will!
with all my love,