After last week's newsletter about "ageing," I want to give you more proof that "believing in yourself" is anti-ageing.

I want to start talking about Collagen and Elastin since everybody talks about them online, painting a picture that the decline of these proteins as you age is the main reason for ageing.
The invention of the century, that serum has to be.
What is all this effort for when the body already knows what to do? What's the reason for the invention of the century?
When all you need is to go with the flow and feed it with nutrients from plants and their oils, like eating whole foods.
But being authentic requires courage, belief in yourself and asking the bigger question of "Why am I here"? "What is the purpose of this lifetime"?
To survive? Pay the bills?
Or something else?
To ascend.
Climb up to the higher levels of consciousness.
And on and on, you ascend.
Chakras are no longer a dinner table conversation but a real-life event. You are it!
You don't have to be a guru on a mountain to ascend. Right where you are, whatever business/work you do in a city, you ascend.
But wait, I am not finished yet. I want to talk about the mind element for ageing.
A scientist from Harvard took a group of men in their 70s and 80s into a monastery in the north of Harvard. She asked these men for five days to pretend they were 22 years younger.
Thinking, acting and feeling younger.
She put pictures of the Kennedy Brothers, Marilyn Monroe, Nat King Cole, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and magazines all around to remind them that they are 22 years younger. At the beginning of the study, she did some objective measurements.
At the end of five days, the researcher said she was playing touch football with these men without their canes. She took them to the lab and retook the same objective measurement.
The results were astonishing.
Some of them were taller, and their finger and toe lengths were taller, too. Their cognition improved by 60%, and their range of motion improved, too.
The question I have is, "Who are you pretending to be?"
These men didn't say, "I am going to get taller. I am going to study how to increase my height."
They acted, felt and thought that they were 22 years younger.
Human doing to Human being...
"I am sensitive. I burn easily. I have wrinkles. I am ageing. I don't trust nature. I need to be on this 10-step skincare routine and use this anti-ageing serum to increase my collagen and elastin levels".
Your body says, OK, if you say so. Wish is granted.
You are sensitive. You burn easily. You are ageing. I will give you more wrinkles.
Who are you pretending to be?
Come with me, wrap yourself into a blanket of "trust".
That's what I did when I healed my numb legs from MS. I wrapped myself into a blanket of "trust" that I walk to the bathroom and not crawl for the rest of my life. Didn't give myself any other choice. Hid what I was doing from my loved ones. I gave myself time and said I was going to love myself, eyes closed in meditation. It worked. I walk.
You say, "I trust".
Here is my everyday routine of "Trust".
I open my eyes at 4 am. Chatter starts as soon as I put my feet on the floor. Thousands of years young human in me start shouting to keep me safe.
Quiet! I say to my human.
You are safe. Forget the jungle you came from, forget the lion you killed, forget the fire, forget the betrayal, forget what you saw, heard. You are safe, right here, right now. Come with me. Let me take you home, to wholeness, to love.
I close my eyes for 2 hours to meditate. Guided meditations, proven evolutionary science. Environment is strong. I want to hit my target sooner. I don't want to spend 10 years in traditional meditation only to wake up to say, "Wait, it was me". I have a mission, I have a life to live.
As soon as I close my eyes with the explosion of love I come eye to eye with the intelligence living within me. We hug each other. I say, I missed you. I love you. I trust you.
From matter to energy, I am in nowhere, in no time, in no space. I become everybody, reach everywhere, reach every time. Two hours of bliss, I am it. I open my eyes to unconditional love. With an urge to speak my love, shout from the root tops. It's way too much love for me to carry in my human heart.
I take myself to my bathroom. I hold my bottle of jojoba, a blanket of trust, respect for my body. I lay a generous amount on my skin. Emails to answers, things to do? Quiet...This is the time I take care of my smile.
I wipe my face with my warm, wet cloth to prepare my smile to receive more unconditional love. I spray my Rose Water to calm my skin, my heart.
A few drops of Face Elixir send Tamanu, Calendula, Chamomile, Rosemary, Nettles, Roses into the deepest layers of me—whole foods for my smile. No calculations, numbers, cold lab room, no one in a white coat who doesn't believe in themselves; I have flowers on my face—everything I need.
I lay the Sun Elixir. 26 plants that know how to speak with Sun, help my body receive what I need from light without fear, protect me from the environment.
With unconditional love underneath my smile, I start my day.
I see you.
I listen to you.
I write to you.
I speak to you.
I have no agenda but flowers on my face and unconditional love in my heart.
with all my love,