During the sale, the only sale that we do in a year, almost two months' worth of orders were sent our way in 7 days by you. 7 Days. I was not expecting this. Maybe you received your order, or perhaps you are still waiting.

While we kept getting your orders, All I was thinking was, "I have to remind them what they are about to receive. They have to know what they are doing."
Eczema, dark patches, pores, acne, wrinkles, sagging, oily skin, dry skin, combination skin. What is your recommendation, Ezgi? The questions have different symptoms attached to them, making them look unique. The name of the imbalance changes, and yet my answer is and will always be the same.
Let's look at them one by one; by the end of this newsletter, you will understand why the answer is always the same.
Dear Human,
Two-year-old? 15? Perhaps 35? 49? 80? Female? Male? None of them? It doesn't matter; human beings come with me.
Overactive immune system. Something is causing your immune system to send all its resources to the affected area. Your immune system = your soldiers; they are ready to fight. Something is causing your soldier to fight. Why would the immune system fight? If they perceive an attack. There is an attack. But how do these soldiers are aware that there is an attack? Who is telling them? Who is talking to them?
Your skin microbiome.
The galaxy of good and bad bacteria living on your skin. Messengers. Something in the environment or in your skincare makes them pick up the phone and deliver the message: the attack. Why? For us humans, survival is more important than growth and repair. Something is making them speak, almost shout, so that you survive.
Perhaps the microbiome is not even there on your skin anymore. They tried hard and gave you signals over the years. Nothing worked. The number of bacteria decreased so much that the symptoms you are experiencing are now extreme. The immune system took over; a big rash, so much dryness or pain that it stops you from living your life.
Hold on, I am not finished yet!
Maybe it's you? Me? Yes, You. Your emotions?
What happened? Did you lose someone? Or perhaps one of your parents, or your child, got sick? Or Did something out of the blue happen at work or in life? And your response to what happened signalled the gene for eczema. What response? That strong emotion you felt was your response.
Fear, anger, resentment, worry, sadness. And you kept feeling like that for way too long. You started expecting the absolute worst-case scenario in fear. The more you felt this emotion, the more so-called bad things kept happening all around you, which caused you to feel even more fear, anger, resentment, worry, and sadness.
The latest science proves that genes don't make you sick. Your response to your environment signals the gene that holds the code for that illness. What is one's response to the environment? An Emotion. That emotion you felt. You felt it for so long that it became a personality trait. You don't even realise it, but it's now part of who you are.
Eczema belongs to this human whose normal state of being is now a survival emotion.
How do you get out of this loop? Homeostasis = helping your body come back into Homeostasis. That is all your body wants.
Skin is producing way too much sebum. Perhaps not everywhere, but patchy. The hair follicles become blocked, and you have acne now. But why would skin do that? Why would the human body that always seeks Homeostasis = balance start producing too much sebum?
That cleanser. You saw an ad. Someone was saying that the cause of the acne was your oily skin. The way to solve it, they said, is to remove the sebum. If there is no sebum, then there is no acne. Simple logic, right? Were they talking about "humans" in that ad? or perhaps another species? Because if they were talking about humans, then they would know that the human body seeks Homeostasis = balance. If you remove that sebum, I will produce more of it, says the human body. This is how I work.
As if that cleanser was not enough, that serum with pore-reducing something inside tried to alter your biology even more. Wait, that serum was also advertised as water-based, right? Because you are oily, they said. Oil is bad. You don't want more oil. I made this water-based serum. Here, use this. There is water, so there are preservatives inside that prevent bad bacteria from growing inside this shiny bottle. Your skin microbiome is bacteria, I know. This will kill them too. But don't worry. Your future skin problem will be my idea for another product. I will keep coming up with more products. Every season, a new serum, a new mask. Humans don't change, but more products enter the market. Why is that?
Struggling skin, dying to come back to Homeostasis = balance says I don't want your serum. Get out of my way, Human!
Dark patches:
Melanin gives your skin colour. This pigment is produced by the skin cells called melanocytes. Your immune system decides the production of melanocytes. If your immune system is dysregulated, then melanocytes are either unable to produce melanin or accumulate in skin cells, resulting in lighter and darker patches on your skin.
Why would your immune system become dysregulated? Is it receiving mixed signals? The immune system knows that it needs to produce melanocytes evenly to protect you from the environment, the sun. How would the immune system know how much melanocytes it needs to produce? Something needs to tell which part of your face needs which amount of melanocytes.
What is that something?
Your skin microbiome. Perhaps there was a battle that took place over the years between your microbiome and those serums, cleansers or masks. Now that the battle is lost, the microbiome is dead or barely alive. So, these mixed signals sent by the barely alive microbiome to your immune system resulted in producing the wrong amounts of melanocytes; some places are dark, and some are bright. On top of that, there is an ad that says to apply SPF. That's the reason for your dark patches, they say. Never go out without one. That SPF is about to kill the remaining microbiome.
But what's more funny to me is that the whole country lacks Vitamin D. A tired nation living under little sun. The GP says to take the Vitamin D pill, while these ads say to apply SPF because you have dark spots.
Human, get your hands off me, says the body! All I want is Homeostais = balance. I will never stop shouting until you get down to your knees.
Wrinkles & Sagging:
There is a protein in your skin called Elastin that makes your skin stretch out and shrink back. You smile or get angry. Thanks to Elastin, your skin stays flexible.
Production of Elastin declines as you age, but that is not what's happening in today's world. You are not ageing! Natural lipids are stripped away from your skin with those cleansers, serums, masks, and skincare filled with nice-smelling isolated chemicals swimming in water with preservatives.
No lipid = oil = fat molecules left on you to protect your Elastin = what you already have. Think of lipids as messengers. They protect you but also carry nutrients deep within the skin to feed your skin. If skin is not fed with whole foods, where will the nutrients come from?
Skin types - Oily, dry, combination:
Why would human skin produce irregular amounts of sebum? Why are some areas dry and some oily? The human body seeks Homeostasis = balance. Something is making your skin produce irregular amounts of sebum. Confusion is going on. That cleanser is causing it. It keeps removing your natural sebum, and the skin is confused now. And those masks. I know it says made with fresh cucumber. However, cucumber won't mix in with other ingredients put inside those masks, so an emulsifier is needed to mix things together. They will all dry you out; that's why there is a moisturising agent in there. That's why you feel soft after that mask. Not thanks to cucumber.
The confusion these products are causing to your immune system, your sebum, and your microbiome is so big that they are making you look like you have a skin type. I honestly don't even know where to start or how much I can say here without making this email too long. You do not have a skin type. All of these products confuse your body and cause your skin to produce irregular amounts of sebum.
Dear Human,
Two-year-old? 15? Perhaps 35? 49? 80? Female? Male? None of them? It doesn't matter;
Dear Human,
You are getting out of this loop with me. One routine, for one biology, one Human.
We obey the rules of this body. It says I want Homeostatis = balance, and this is what we are doing. It does not matter what your problem is. Fixing these symptoms is not your job. The body knows what to do. Human, when I send you signals, give me what I need; that is all I want from you, says the body. I don't need an invention; I don't need a new serum every season.
Dear Human,
You are getting out of this loop with me and returning to your own body. The power that made the body heals the body. The intention underneath every one of my products is "There is an imbalance. How can we bring the body back into homeostasis = balance?". Not how can we reduce pores, dark circles, wrinkles etc. I am not interested in symptoms. That is not our job. I am interested in Homeostasis = balance so that your own body does the job of healing you.
Power to you.
Power to the healer that is you.
with all my love,