An age-old question.
What do you think?
Don't have time to read?
What if, since birth, every sneeze, every joyful moment, every heartbreak was predetermined?
What if your free will is to switch between destinies?
"I don't like what I am seeing. I am going to take the responsibility and change something about myself, which means life will push me to a new destiny."
It's still predetermined but better. Parallel realities, science calls them.
Parallel destinies. It is as if by changing yourself, you call in a new destiny.
One of you sent me lovely feedback about the new face balm Winter Solstice. With her permission, her words found their place on the website immediately as a review.
"I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for your beautiful Winter Solstice Face Balm. I used it for the first time this evening, and it is absolutely incredible. Like with your elixir, your balm gave me this feeling, which is hard to describe, but I felt like I was connecting to its energy, and my body was absolutely loving it.. it felt like it was saying more, more, please give me more. I've been struggling with acne for a long time, and I feel like this is the product I have been waiting for. So I just wanted to say thank you.. all your hard work and energy are being so gratefully received!!"
As I was reading, all I heard was the plants speaking into her soul. "You called my name. You asked for me."