Can you forget everything you have heard about "Chakras," especially the spiritual stuff? You know, the ones that make you question and leave the whole idea into nothing but philosophy. A dinner table conversation that goes nowhere.

This is for non-believers. I was one of them. I am going to do my best not to leave questions in your mind about the map of your body and show you how your thoughts activate these centres to create harmony or illness in your body.
The first 3 centres are all about survival.
First Energy Center
Our connection to Mother Earth. The centre of reproduction. The source of all your energy that can create another human being is right here in your first centre.
Second Energy Center
(The Sacral Chakra = Superior mesenteric plexus)
When you are safe in your environment, there is food and shelter, all elements of survival are in place; energy naturally moves to the second centre. But if the person has a trauma and they feel unsafe, betrayed. They no longer trust. Energy gets stuck in this centre, and the person experiences imbalance, an illness in the organs of this centre, such as the intestines, kidneys, liver, and autoimmune system of the body.
Third Energy Centre
(Solar Plexus = Navel Chakra)
Forth Energy Center
(Heart Chakra = Heart plexus)
Fifth Energy Centre
(Thyroid Plexus)
Sixth Energy Centre
Seventh Energy Centre
(Pituitary gland = Crown Chakra)
In the walls of your mind, it all starts with a thought. A thought that you can't resist leads to another and another, sending more energy than they need to these centres, organs of your body. These thoughts lead to actions and behaviours, and every action has consequences. Before you know it, a whole new reality is right in front of you, which you call "your life, your illness."
Let's do an experiment today. Separate yourself from your thoughts and listen as if you are the observer. Watching yourself from a distance is the first step to healing your body and changing your reality.
with all my love,