I am your messenger.
Last Friday, every cell of your body asked me to be in the right spot at the right time to receive a very specific message "about you". Earth To You exists because of you, after all. Your longing, your desire for the true meaning of beauty, created "Earth To You". There is no such thing as coincidence in this dimension. There are only synchronicities, and you and I are connected—more than you can ever imagine. A message to me is a message to you.

I had zero sleep before I boarded to fly to Basel to meditate with 8100 human beings at Dr Joe Dispenza's event. Even though I was sleepwalking, I made it there hours early. I was in front of the queue, first in line. Then, I found myself sitting in the front row. Out of 8100 people, for some mysterious reason, one of the scientists, the director of the research team, Dr Hillari, with a mini bag in her hand, approached Isabelle and me, whom I just met seconds ago.
She told us to pick a card randomly from the bag.
She said "whatever you pick will be a message".
Isabelle, who is also a doctor, picked one, and it said "Wholeness".
And I picked one, and it said: "Supernatural".
Dr Hillari asked me, "What does Supernatural mean to you?"
I said, "I am supernatural," and I started to tell her about my healing from MS with meditation. As I was enthusiastically telling my supernatural story, Isabelle said, "Wait a minute. I healed MS in the same year as you."
Three of us were in shock at the beauty of this synchronicity. We hugged each other.
Here is your message:
"Supernatural human being".
Isabelle and I are no different from you. The power that created your body heals your body. Every time you choose to feed your body and soul for wholeness without stressing yourself, you empower it.
You are the healer.
You are the medicine.
I am not using chemicals as our ingredients, not because I believe you are weak or can not deal with them—the opposite. I am not using them because your power is beyond your imagination. Because I know the more I support your body, the more miracles it can create for you.
When you choose the healthy option in anything, whether skincare or food, choose with love, not fear. Fear stops your body from benefiting from what nature has to offer.
You don't have to get sick to discover the truth about you. You can choose to believe in you right now.
Because your power is beyond your imagination.
You are the medicine.
You are the healer.
with all my love,