About Jeff

One of my colleagues here at Earth To You, let's call him H, told me once that he worked for Jeff.



Jeff Who?

You know Jeff. 

Jeff Bezos. 



He said that his bathroom visits were timed. He used to come home drained of energy, exhausted to do anything. Watch a movie? Eat? Socialize? None of them were possible. H is a very athletic person. You know that friend of yours who runs 5K every day, full of energy, making you feel guilty. H is that friend, and he said working for Jeff was the worst time of his life due to feelings of extreme exhaustion. He said that he had to quit for his health.


During this sale, nobody is suffering from packing your orders. The people who carried the packaging, cooked and took that healing scalp mask out from the freezer, which was bought by one of you as a gift to a cancer patient, was not packed by a person suffering from exhaustion.


A suffering individual can not create or send anything healing. Everything is energy. This body of ours is only a hologram of a bigger picture we can not see. A soul with emotions.

I have one rule that I tell everyone who enters my apothecary, employee, friend, or customer: "Nobody suffers here". This is a place where we heal. This is a place where we send healing.


But you know what happened? I had an epiphany. I think you know this too. We were late sending your orders, but not one person emailed asking, "Where is my order?". Not one. No-one. Zero.


It's not worth fighting with these big players using their methods = Heavy ads, investors, speed, exhausted employees. Instead, we are creating something so beautiful, so bright, and so shiny that is healing to "everybody" from the person working to the one receiving. Slow and steady we are making these big players become obsolete. Thank you for being here and helping me to do the opposite of what Jeff does.


Here is to the new Earth and to the souls "all of you, all of us" creating it!


Our Healing Elixirs are created by healthy and happy humans to empower your body and awaken the healer in "you". Because "You are the healer". Here at Earth To You, we obey the rules of the human body = you. No shortcuts!


with all my love,


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